2024-5 Event Schedule

BVSC After Hours Outdoor Fitness Group
Adults Ski Together – AST   Every Tuesday at 4:15 pm  

BVSC After Hours Outdoor Fitness Group
Families Ski Together Sessions – FaST    Wednesdays during the snow season at 4pm


Jan. 1- 5, 2025   Donations of Ski Equipment to Northwestern Students.   Have a pair of cross-country skis or boots that you no longer use? Consider donating the equipment to students at Northwestern High School in Maple. Twenty-five students have expressed interest in skiing this season, and eleven students do not have equipment.

Beth Manz will gather members’ used classic or skate skis, boots, and poles for donation to student skiers. Equipment that is in good condition should be brought to her home at 13859 East Dennis Road, Brule, WI from January 1—5, 2025


Donated items should be labeled as follows:

· name of donor

· height and weight parameters for the skis, if known

· binding type on skis and on boots

· boot size and boot type, if not readily evident


Persons donating classic skis that require kick wax are requested to donate any old kick wax.

Items that are not needed for students’ use should be picked up from Beth’s home by date to be determined, but likely soon after the students are outfitted.

Items accepted by the students may be eligible as a tax donation through the club.   Please let us know if you would like a receipt.  (BVSC) is a tax-exempt charitable 501(c)(3) organization.


February 16, 2025:  Learn to Ski
Learn-To-Ski is reschedule to Sunday, February 16, 2025, check-in at noon!
Now that snow is finally here, it’s time to learn to cross country ski, and the Brule Valley Ski Club is again offering free lessons.

The club’s annual Learn to Ski Day is Saturday, Jan. 4. Adults and children interested in learning classic or skate ski methods should meet at the chalet at the After Hours Trail in the Brule River State Forest west of Brule, WI on Highway 2. Check in is at noon and lessons start at 12:30 p.m.

To sign up for free lessons, contact Phil at 715-372-5004 or Bob at 218-348-5200. Reservations for lessons must be made by 7 p.m. on Jan. 2.


Wisconsin trail passes for the day will be provided by the ski club, and the club will pay part of the rental fee for persons requiring rental skis. Children must be registered by a parent or guardian, and children eight-years-old and under must be accompanied by an adult during the lesson.


Participants must arrange for their own rental skis. Ski Hut and Continental Ski and Bike, both in Duluth, MN, and New Moon Ski and Bike Shop and Riverbrook Bike and Ski, both in Hayward, WI.


Lessons are jointly sponsored by the Brule Valley Ski Club, Brule River State Forest and Brule Lions Club.


Feb. 8, 2025   Candlelight Ski sponsored by the WDNR 

Cross -Country Ski Races for youths and adults in the classic and skate styles. In-Person events on Jan. 18, 2025. Bib pickup, 8:30AM to 10AM and 28K skate race at 10 AM with the 18K classic race beginning ten minutes later at 10:10 AM. The 10K classic and 10K skate events will follow. The races are all run as wave starts, by Gender. There is no limit to the number of racers this year. This race is sponsored jointly by the Brule Valley Ski Club, the Brule River State Forest, and the Brule Lions Club. For info see our Brochure.

Brule Valley Ski Club Annual Meeting

SEPTEMBER 29. 2024
4:30 potluck
5-6:30 pm meeting
Come, Hear the latest BVSC news, Voice your ideas, Vote, Meet fellow skiers, Eat, Drink and be Merry!
– Review Year’s Accomplishments
– Discuss DNR’s Options for Six Corner Cabin
– Review progress on new skijoring trail
– Review new BVSC ski merchandise available for order
– Vote on an amendment to the by-laws, discussed at the June Special Meeting
– Vote on new board members
Please bring a dish to pass. Refreshments, plates, cups, and flatware will be available.

After Hours Outdoor Group

WHEN: Every Tuesday, 4:15-5:45 PM


WHERE: After Hours Ski Trails, Brule River State Forest
Southwest of Highways 2 and 27 intersection in Brule WI



  • September 17- snow arrival


  • Hiking, Nordic pole hiking, Dry land training 


WINTER SEASON: Snow arrival thorough snow departure (Dec or Jan through March or April)

  • 4:14 Start at Ski Chalet
    • Divide into groups: Classic Skis, Skate Skis, or Snowshoeing (no hiking)
  • 4:30 Warm-up Ski
  • 5:00 Ski Drills at NE Corner: confluence of North Loop/Aspen/ River/ East Loop
  • 5:15 Free Ski, incorporating emphasis from drills
  • 5:30 Finish at Ski Chalet
    • Snacks, Drinks, Beer, Strength-balance exercises


  • CXC Academy’s ski drills, and strength/ balance exercises (cxcacademy.com) 
  • Endurance United’s Birkie preparation schedule, exercises (enduranceunited.org)
  • Nordic Ski Lab drills (nordicskilab.com)

We highly encourage people to join one or more of these groups and watch the videos yourself. 


COST: None, other than everyone needs to have a daily or annual After Hours ski pass.



  • Poles: Trekking poles, downhill ski poles, or Nordic poles
  • Head lamps
  • Snacks and drinks! We have hot chocolate, hot tea, and water.



Beginning June 1 we will hike together on portions of the ski trails at 1:30 PM. Additional hikes are planned for July 13, August 3, and September 7th. The hikes will follow various routes and may last up to two hours. Meet at the ski chalet on After Hours road, bring a snack and a drink and if appropriate perhaps some mosquito repellant early in the season. 

There is also ongoing work on new bike trails that can be utilized most of the year. Jon Jurek is heading up the work and will also be grooming for fat bikes in the winter. Contact Jon at 218 343 5490 if you’d like to help with trail maintenance or development.  We should again be working on the trails in mid-May.  

By the third week of June the ski club board should have ready some updates on the ski club bylaws. We are planning a meeting for June 21, 22, or 23 to vote on the changes. The final date and time for these meetings will be announced in the next week or so.  

Learn to Ski Day - January 21

Free Cross Country Ski Lessons - Skate or Classic

Now that snow is finally here, it’s time to learn to cross country ski, and the Brule Valley Ski Club is again offering free lessons.

The club’s annual Learn to Ski Day is Sunday, Jan. 21. Adults and children interested in learning classic or skate ski methods should meet at the chalet at the After Hours Trail in the Brule River State Forest west of Brule, WI on Highway 2. Check in is at noon and lessons start at 12:30 p.m.

Wisconsin trail passes for the day will be provided by the ski club, and the club will pay part of the rental fee for persons requiring rental skis. Children must be registered by a parent or guardian, and children eight-years-old and under must be accompanied by an adult during the lesson. 

To rent skis, contact Phil at 715-372-5004 or Bob at 218-348-5200 before 7 p.m. on Jan. 17, and provide contact information as well as height, weight, shoe size and preference for classic or skate skis. Rental skis will be offered for $20.

Lessons are jointly sponsored by the Brule Valley Ski Club, Brule River State Forest and Brule Lions Club. 

River View Loppet Ski Race - February 18, 2024

We have now cancelled our 2024 ski races.  NO significant snow is forecasted for this coming week and we only have a small amount of snow on the ground. Trail conditions are not acceptable for a quality or even a safe event. We will try again next year.  This is only our second cancellation since 1997.

We will make a decision on February 12 regarding the race plan-go or no go. Though we have snow cover, we did not think the snow conditions were adequate for a quality race on January 20th, so we have decided to move the event to Sunday, February 18 with an 11 AM start. We are hoping that snow conditions will improve and we can have an event with the quality snow conditions that we are accustomed to. We will update you as time proceeds on snow conditions, but the same race plan is in place for February 18 as we would have had on January 20, 2024.

Cross -Country Ski Races for youths and adults in the classic and skate styles.  In-Person events on Jan. 20 Bib pickup, 8:30AM  to 10AM and 28K skate race at 10 AM with the 18K classic race beginning ten minutes later at 11:10 AM. The 10K classic and 10K skate events will follow.  The races are all run as  wave starts, by Gender.  There is no limit to the number of racers this year. This race is sponsored jointly by the Brule Valley Ski Club, the Brule River State Forest, and the Brule Lions Club. For info see our 2024 River View Loppet Brochure

To register for the River View Loppet, go to this link.

Or call 715-364-2664 or 218-590-3051 .